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Dr Rajib Raihan

General Practitioner, Male


490-524 Springvale Road
Forest Hill, VIC 3131


Welcome to our medical centre.

We bulk-bill eligible patients

If you’re experiencing symptoms suggestive of covid-19, please book a Telehealth appointment. We strongly encourage all patients to wear a mask.”

Patient Fees:
• We bulk-bill kids under 16, DVA card holders, pensioners, concession and healthcare card holders.
• For all other patients with a valid Medicare card, we charge an out-of-pocket fee of $25 for a standard consultation, walk-in and telehealth consult

Note, fees may differ for other consultation types, and for a minority of GPs. Please check our website for complete fee information Visit our Website

See Available Appointment Times

Appointments available from: Tomorrow, 9:20 am

Professional statement

Dr Rajib Raihan graduated (MBBS) from Chittagong Medical College, Bangladesh in 2005. He has gained experience through hospital rotations in many specialties in SA in 2012-2013. He also achieved a diploma in child health from Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide in 2012. He moved to NSW to participate in the AGPT as a registrar and achieved a Fellowship (FRACGP) in 2016. He has extensive experience in the wide field of medicine as he worked in rural Australia for the last eight years. He is your compassionate care provider.

Areas of Interest

  • General medicine

Languages Spoken

  • Bengali
  • English
  • Hindi