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Dr Jin Gao

General Practitioner, Female


530-538 High Street
Preston, VIC 3072


Welcome to our medical centre.

We bulk-bill eligible patients

If you’re experiencing symptoms suggestive of covid-19, please book a Telehealth appointment. We strongly encourage all patients to wear a mask.”

Patient Fees:
• We bulk-bill kids under 16, DVA card holders, pensioners, concession and healthcare card holders.
• For all other patients with a valid Medicare card, we charge an out-of-pocket fee of $30 for a standard consultation and telehealth consult (full fee payable upfront, Medicare rebate can be processed on the day)

Note, fees may differ for other consultation types, and for a minority of GPs. Please check our website for complete fee information Visit our Website

See Available Appointment Times

Appointments available from: Tue, 8:40 am

Professional statement

Dr Jin is a compassionate doctor who moved from New Zealand to Melbourne with her family in 2023.

After graduating from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2013, she worked as a junior doctor in various medical specialties. During this time she completed a Post Graduate Certificate in women's health, deepening her understanding of how health concerns can significantly impact a women's life.

Jin has been working in general practice and urgent care for 9 years. She was a Fellow of both The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners and Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care.

As a clinician, Jin enjoys working with people and helping them become the best and healthiest version of themselves.

Outside of work, Jin likes to paint and will soon restart her role as a group fitness instructor.

Areas of Interest

  • General Family Medicine
  • Women's health

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Mandarin