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Dr Audrey Salleh

General Practitioner, Female

175 Main South Road
Yankalilla, SA 5203


Please note that SFFP is now a mixed billing practice. There is an out of pocket expense for everyone on Saturdays, including concession/pension card holders and children under 16. Fee schedules are available on our website and at the practice. If you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms or are concerned about being tested for COVID-19 please contact the 24 hour National Coronavirus Information Line on 1800 020 080 (if you need a translator, call 131 450). For all Childhood Immunisations, Care Plans, Health Assessments and WorkCover appointments, please phone us to make an appointment on 08 8558 0111.

See Available Appointment Times

Appointments available from: 8 Apr, 12:15 pm

Professional statement

Dr Audrey Salleh migrated to Australia from Malaysia in 1997 to commence her medical degree and graduated from the University of Adelaide with MBBS in 2005.
She has spent her years working in various positions at the QEH, WCH and Lyell McEwin Hospital. Audrey has a particular interest in Womens' Health, where she has spent many years working as an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar. She's also interested in Geriatric Medicine and enjoys looking after elderly patients in nursing homes and communities. When not at work Audrey is a busy wife and mother to 3 beautiful children who keep her hands full. She also enjoys baking and cooking in her free time.